June 16, 2012
Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
The Full Belly Workshop |
Saturday morning volunteers |
Jock Brandis with bucket of peanuts |
Dave with UV scanner box |
Colin assembling UV scanner box |
Opening up the top lid of UV scanner box |
UV scanner box - top inside view |
Hand-held corn-husker |
Universal Nut Sheller - packaged for flight |
UV scanner prototype - overview |
UV scanner prototype - peanut loading tray |
June 19, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Juan and Carlos testing concrete |
Mixing concrete for hardening test |
rural Chiquimula, Guatemala
Mountain view from Chiquimula |
Peanut plants in Chiquimula |
Meeting with farmers in Chiquimula |
Large peanut field in Chiquimula |
Close-up of peanut crop in Chiquimula |
Peanut crop with corn rows mixed in |
Town of Chiquimula |
Peanut storage in Chiquimula |
Electric fan for ventilation in Chiquimula storage site |
Plastic threaded peanut storage bags in Chiquimula |
Close-up of plastic threaded storage bags used in Chiquimula |
Peanut pile for shelling on floor in Chiquimula storage site |
Motorized peanut shellers in Chiquimula storage site |
Drying shelled peanuts ready for peeling in Chiquimula |
Wood-fueled stove for peanut roasting in Chiquimula |
Soaking peanuts for salting in Chiquimula |
Traffic on car ride back to Zacapa |
June 20, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Robert and Juan assembling UV scanner |
Attaching tray sliders to UV scanner box |
Taping black cloth covers into UV scanner box |
Setting up the small UV insert |
Attaching UV filters to small UV light array |
Robert and Colin with completed UV scanner box |
Roasted peanut sample from Chiquimula |
Crushing shelled peanuts for AflaCheck test |
Crushed peanut sample for AflaCheck test |
Shaking peanut sample for AflaCheck test |
Peanut sample extract next to initial AflaCheck test |
Initial false negative AflaCheck tests of peanut sample from Chiquimula |
Alcohol used for initial tests - incorrect solvent |
Working on UV scanner box, final setup for testing |
Preliminary aflatoxin screening tests with UV scanner |
Peanut samples collected for lab testing |
June 21, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Paleontology Museum in Estanzuela |
Prehistoric whale fossil in Estanzuela museum |
Robert next to fossils in Estanzuela museum |
Giant sloth in Estanzuela museum |
Estanzuela farmers listening to peanut presentation |
Meeting in Estanzuela mayor's office |
Zacapa, Zacapa, Guatemala
Bullet hole in hotel window in Zacapa |
Robert and Carlos saying goodbye |
June 22, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Junior and Juan assembling the UNS mold |
Measuring cement for the concrete mixture |
Danilo mixing cement, sand to make concrete |
Pouring concrete mixture into UNS molds |
Finished pouring concrete for UNS molds |
Watermelon plants with young mango trees mixed in |
Mango trees in Estanzuela |
Exotic bird farm in Estanzuela |
Parrot canopy with peacocks outside |
Peacock in Estanzuela |
Exotic turkey-like bird |
Fox and raccoon taking a nap |
Ostriches on Estanzuela farm |
Colin trying to avoid getting pecked by an ostrich |
Close-up of an ostrich |
Cattle farm in Estanzuela |
Cattle grazing in field |
Calves grazing in pasture with mountain view |
Cattle approaching the pickup truck |
Corn farming in Estanzuela |
Colin and Luis using wire brush to rough sides of UNS turning piece |
UNS turning piece with rough sides |
UNS concrete parts set to harden in water overnight |
June 23, 2012
rural Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Luis' cattle farm in Estanzuela
Rooster and chicken area |
Rope bucket well on cattle farm in Estanzuela |
Cattle feed area |
Monbasa field for cattle grazing |
Monbasa plant close-up
Luis on cattle field |
Cattle grazing on monbasa field |
Luis petting one of the friendly cattle
Pig trailer in Estanzuela |
Field for cantaloupe |
Mango tree farm in Estanzuela |
Men working on okra field in Estanzuela |
Young okra field |
Mature okra plant |
Flowering okra plant |
Irrigation canals around farms in Estanzuela |
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Entrance to cemetary in Estanzuela |
Estanzuela cemetary calles |
Colorful houses in Estanzuela cemetary |
Close-up of family burial monument in Estanzuela cemetary |
Estanzuela town square |
Luis' house where I am staying in Estanzuela |
Diana, Ariana, and a friend swimming in the backyard pool |
View of Estanzueala from Luis' house |
Chiquimula, Chiquimula, Guatemala
Dude in front of us hitching a ride to Chiquimula |
Mall near Chiquimula |
Food court in Chiquimula mall |
Ariana playing in a giant bubble at the Chiquimula mall |
Town of Chiquimula |
Driving through town of Chiquimula |
Street vendors in Chiquimula |
June 24, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Room where I am staying in Luis' house |
Luis' house - Kitchen |
Luis' house - Living room |
UNS mold in front of pool behind Luis' house |
Pasa Bien, Zacapa, Guatemala
Fresh Empanadas |
River Pasabien |
Waterfall in River Pasabien |
Rapids in River Pasabien |
Downstream view in River Pasabien |
Luis and family in River Pasabien |
Diana, Ariana, and Luis' wife Aura sitting in River Pasabien |
Me swimming in River Pasabien |
Me in the deeper part of the river |
People hanging out in River Pasabien |
Mountain view of River Pasabien |
rural Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Papaya plants in Estanzuela |
Cacti trees in Estanzuela |
Ceiba - Guatemala's national tree |
Cantaloupe fields in Estanzuela |
Guayacan tree on cattle farm in Estanzuela |
Mario at his cattle farm in Estanzuela |
Cattle feed area |
June 25, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Juan putting machine grease in the top metal piece of the UNS |
Assembling the UNS - checking for centering |
Building the table for the UV scanner box |
Finished table at the carpenter's workshop |
Junior next to completed UV scanner box on table |
Peanut sample without UV light |
Peanut sample with UV light |
Peanut samples under UV light comparison |
rural Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Green pepper farm with insect netting |
Green pepper plants inside the insect netting |
Drip irrigation for green pepper farm |
Green pepper close-up |
Irrigation canals around green pepper farm |
Pickup truck tour of city corn fields |
Drip irrigation for city corn fields |
City corn field vista |
Yuca field in Estanzuela |
June 26, 2012
rural Chiquimula, Guatemala
Good peanuts from Costa Sur |
Bad peanuts from Peten - shelled |
Good peanuts from Peten - shelled |
Freddie weighing out bags of peanuts for testing |
Juan and Freddie discussing Guatemalan peanuts
in the Chiquimula storage site |
Chiquimula, Chiquimula, Guatemala
Picking up juice boxes at the Chiquimula warehouse |
Juan's truck loaded with peanut samples, juice boxes |
June 27, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
View inside UV scanner box - right side |
View inside UV scanner box - left side |
Close-up of contaminated peanuts 1 |
Close-up of contaminated peanuts 2 |
Preparing peanut samples for testing |
Peanut sample bags from different regions |
UNS - fully assembled |
Junior operating the UNS to obtain
machine-shelled peanuts for testing |
Hand-shelling peanuts for testing |
Peanut samples in ice-cooler |
2 peanut shellers, one partially and one completely assembled |
UV scanner set up for testing |
UNS kit ready for construction |
UNS mold with instructions for Spanish, English,
and motor-powered option |
Receiving an award of recognition
from the Mayor of Estanzuela |
Award for The Full Belly Project
from the town of Estanzuela |
Meeting with the city council of Estanzuela |
Thank-you letter from the Mayor of Estanzuela |
June 28, 2012
Estanzuela, Zacapa, Guatemala
Saying goodbye to Luis and his family |
Hondo, Zacapa, Guatemala
Bus station in Río Hondo |
Muchas gracias Colin por mostrar parte de mi querido pueblo y mi familia fue un gusto para mi y mi familia que allas compartido con nosotros y la gente de la municipalidad, ya sabes aca tienes una casa donde venir cuando quieras o alguno de tus amigos de full belly proyect, las puertas de este pueblo estan abiertas para ustedes , fue un gusto......... luis Aguirre.